We made a bank feel young again.


Hawaii’s oldest bank was showing its age.

First Hawaiian Bank has been around for over a century and a half. But over time, their client relationships started to age, and younger consumers saw them as the bank for “older folks.” Banking has also become a commodity, with busy and less affluent customers flocking to credit unions and online financial institutions. So how did we help Hawaii’s oldest bank attract a wide demographic of younger consumers? We helped them relate.

First Hawaiian Bank: Let's Talk


It’s expensive to live in Hawaii, so everyone could use a little help.

Hawaii has one of the most expensive housing markets in the nation. Cereal costs more. Gas costs more. Every little thing eats into the budget. So it’s no surprise that when people want to buy their first home or send their daughter to college, they need financial help.

Honolulu Magazine Launch
Launch Poster


We helped First Hawaiian Bank check off demographic milestones.

Every bank helps people check off their milestones, so in order to get noticed by new customers, we needed to form an emotional bond that would make them see First Hawaiian in a new way. TV and online media were targeted to reach different demographics. The campaign also included a milestone-based website that featured products as a way to check off each goal.

First Hawaiian Bank: Private School
First Hawaiian Bank: Rich Guy (Marcus Mariota)
First Hawaiian Bank: Family Van
First Hawaiian Bank: Guy's Trip (Marcus Mariota)
First Hawaiian Bank: Dorm
First Hawaiian Bank: Proposal
First Hawaiian Bank: Omiyage
First Hawaiian Bank: Business Model (Malia Jones)
First Hawaiian Bank: Retired

What they said_

“Everyone related to different spots. That’s when we knew the campaign was a winner.”

Chris Dods, First Hawaiian Bank, Executive Vice President, Consumer Banking and Marketing Group Manager


  • 27% increase in awareness over previous year


Video, Print, Interactive, Social

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First Hawaiian Bank_

We liberated the frequent flier program.

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Par Hawaii_

We taught a convenience store to speak Belly.